This is an archival consolidated post from the previous incarnation of our website.
BROOM-BASH: On April 28 GaLTT and the Lions Club held their annual kick-off broom-bash in Drumbeg Park. A grand total of 64 volunteers turned up to help clear a large area near the trees, revealing some camas lilies still bravely blooming.
GaLTT supplied tools, tips, and labour, Lions supplied the hotdogs and drinks (and more labour), and BC Parks staff brought their huge bags and trucks to haul away the cut broom for disposal off island. A few days before, 14 brave volunteers had jumped the gun by tackling the big patch of broom near the south firehall, leaving it in heaps ready to be chipped. Neighbourhood cuts continued throughout May before the broom went to seed. The broom was transported by the Lions Club to a central location for supervised burning when permitted. THANK YOU ALL!
Trimming trails and removing fallen trees is on-going year-round of course, and our battle with Gabriola’s invasive plants continued. Workparties and individuals removed blooming biennial Tansy Ragwort (toxic to cattle—so ruining a load of hay if it spreads to fields) from roadsides and parks before it went to seed.