June 25th-26th—mark your calendar!
GaLTT is delighted and honoured to be the recipient of the proceeds of Doug Harrison’s Art show and Sale in his beautiful, waterfront garden on June 25th/26th at his home, 1933 South Road, Gabriola, 10am-4pm each day.
Please come out to enjoy his beautiful, original work, prints and cards he has to offer. Every penny will be donated to GaLTT to further our conservation efforts, so please come and show your support! Plus, bonus, you get to check out his Covid-inspired dream train set!!
Doug Harrison has been painting for 35 years. The paintings are a living historical testament of the old logging practices in the Alberni valley, where he was raised amongst steam trains and steam donkeys in the woods. His dad worked the old logging roads with Macmillan Blodel as a heavy duty diesel mechanic and Doug himself was finally employed by the same company, first in the Queen Charlotte Islands and then at Copper Canyon, near Chemainus.
Every picture has a story, all pulled from his memories. He especially loves old wooden boats; seiners, trollers and tugs, which he believes are works of art in their own right and represent a time and a culture long lost. Doug will be there, in person, to tell you the stories that inspired each painting and answer any questions you may have.