The Rural Island Economic Partnership is sponsoring an #explorebcruralislands project (funded by Destination BC) promoting “Fall and Winter visitor destination experiences that foster the practice of respectful visitation, conservation, and climate awareness.” The five islands involved are Quadra, Cortes, Cormorant, Hornby and Gabriola.

GaLTT was delighted to represent Gabriola in an article and video for this project. Community Engagement Committee members Alison Thomas, Sarah Kopjar and Suzanne Christopher and spouses, as well as some other volunteers, participated a walk recorded for the “Find Your Way to the Nature Neverland of BC Rural Islands” video produced by Zen Seekers; Alison commented on our work in the video and president Rob Brockley was quoted in the article.

(Photo © Logan Moore/ZenSeekers, used with permission)

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