The collective actions of neighbours and neighbourhoods can have a huge positive impact on maintaining unfragmented natural ecosystems.

That’s the key takeaway from a recent interview with GaLTT President Rob Brockley by Shauna Doll of the Raincoast Conservation Foundation, part of a series of articles exploring the ways ecosystems differ between the islands within the Coastal Douglas-fir (CDF) biogeoclimatic zone.

“…we all need to become advocates for strengthened Islands Trust regulatory authority, especially in the areas affecting ecosystem preservation and protection. Without the necessary jurisdictional authority, the IT cannot effectively uphold its ‘preserve and protect’ mandate, which is viewed by many people as an overarching priority to safeguard the ecological integrity of the Trust Area. Landholders with the good fortune of living on larger properties with significant natural features like mature forests, woodlands, wetlands, and other valuable wildlife habitat areas might consider permanently protecting the land for future generations by placing a conservation covenant on the property.”

Read the whole article: The story of Coastal Douglas-fir forests: All about Gabriola Island

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