GaLTT’s many successes have always been due to our volunteers—and we appreciate what you all do! On September 25th the Invasive Species Committee held a Volunteer Appreciation Event at Queequeg Community Park for a particularly busy group of volunteers—all those who have taken part in GaLTT work-parties this year or organized their own in their neighbourhoods. Thirty-two participants attended and enjoyed the wonderful spread of food (including some delicious cheese and onion scones from Ground Up Café), chatted, and heard the story of how GaLTT volunteers have this year planted 100 native shrubs in an area of the park previously overrun with daphne.
A Sustainable Gabriola ecosystem tour made Queequeg their last stop, arriving just as our appreciation event was ending so participants (including three trustee candidates for the Islands Trust) could learn about the clearing and restoration work we’ve done there.
Interested in joining the fun as an Invasive Species volunteer? Email
Below: Sustainable Gabriola’s ecosystems tour visits the GaLTT plots at Queequeg.