In case it flew under your radar…
GaLTT recently made a change to its membership tiers: what were termed “family” memberships have been renamed “joint” memberships. A joint membership can be of any two adults. Both holders of a joint membership are entitled to vote at General meetings of GaLTT.
This change allows us to make the option of a discounted membership available more widely, regardless of marital status or cohabiting preferences, and eliminate any discrimination relating to eligibility.
Please note that while an email address may be provided for both people in a joint membership, we take full contact info from only one person (the individual designated as the “primary” member on the form). Only the primary member will receive the annual tax receipt for charitable donations.
During this restructuring the cost of a 5-year joint membership has been raised by $10 to $140. This means that both individual and joint 5-year term memberships now offer the same discount of 20% (effectively you get one year’s membership for free over the 5 year period).
Finally, in order to align the technology of our record-keeping process with our needs, we’ve changed the setup for taking 1 and 5 year memberships online by moving the process to Square (which we already use for point-of-sale transactions). Monthly donations will continue to be managed through CanadaHelps.