GaLTT is delighted to report that the 707 Community Park has expanded yet again!

On October 24, 2024, the Regional District of Nanaimo publicly announced its recent purchase of the 78-acre (31.5 hectare) adjacent property known locally as Wilkinson Woods. This is the third addition to the park since 2018, and the original 707-acre park has now grown to an impressive 1137 acres (460.3 ha).

Gabriola’s ecosystems are becoming increasingly fragmented, and adding to the amount of contiguous protected natural habitat is great news for the long-term health and sustainability of our island community. In addition to providing important wildlife habitat and opportunities for Gabriolans to connect with the natural world, large, protected areas also provide critical “ecosystem services” that cleanse our air and water and mitigate the effects of climate change.

Land acquisition for conservation purposes can be a lengthy process, and often relies on developing strong relationships with committed landholders. Protecting Wilkinson Woods has been a long-standing priority for GaLTT. Our Conservation Committee met with the landholder multiple times during the past several years to explore various options for protecting the natural features of the forested property in perpetuity. With this relationship established, the landholder contacted GaLTT when they decided to sell their property. With the strong support of RDN Director Vanessa Craig, we were able to successfully connect them with the RDN to work out acquisition details.

In addition to adding much-needed protected land on Gabriola, the acquisition also formally secures a popular trail connection to the 707 Community Park from South Road. Until now, people using the fire access trail near Crestwood to access the park have been trespassing across private property; that will no longer be the case.

Thanks to the past generosity of members and donors, GaLTT was able to contribute $100,000 toward the purchase price from our Land Acquisition Fund. This is the largest contribution GaLTT has ever made for a conservation project and emphasizes the importance that GaLTT placed on this key acquisition opportunity.

With our available resources, GaLTT will continue to advocate for the acquisition of protected lands and seek ways to collaborate with others on important land acquisitions such as Wilkinson Woods. Please consider a donation to GaLTT’s Land Acquisition Fund to help us continue this important conservation work.

Thank you to our members, volunteers, and donors for your continued support—you all share in our successes!

A wide trail in Wilkinson Woods. In the distance a woman walks between tall trees.
An old "nursery" stump in Wilkinson Woods
Trees, ferns and oregon grape in Wilkinson Woods

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