GaLTT salutes the generosity of 24 Gabriolans who have given us all access to a trail on their property!

Join a GaLTT volunteer every second Saturday at 10 am for a 60 to 90 minute walk to explore some of these Neighbourhood trail licences.

January 11th – Village Connections

Meet walk leader Hugh at the medical clinic parking area for a 5 km loop walk covering 3 trail licences. What to expect: trails will be wet, board walks potentially slippery and we’ll walk on quiet roads as well as trails with some uphill.

January 25th – Nelder’s Gift

Meet Suzanne at the end of Dorby near Nelder’s Pond to explore the federal lands. What to expect: trails will be wet with many tree roots. Potentially slippery bed rock.

February 8th – Balsam/Haven Connector

Meet Jim near the intersection of Balsam and Tamarack Road to walk down one of our newest trail licences to Haven Woods. What to expect: feet and legs will probably get damp.

February 22nd – Presidents’ Walk

Meet Rob at the west end of James Way for a walk on trail licences held by two past presidents of GaLTT. What to expect: trails will be mucky and wet in spots and we will go up and down some steepish hills.

March 8th – Berry Point Connections

Meet Lou at the Surf Pub to find an interesting route to Orlebar Point. What to expect: there will be moderate elevation gain and some quiet road walking.

March 22nd – Robinson Woods to Merlin Trail

Meet Claudia on Thompson to explore one of Gabe’s biggest conservation covenants and find a viewpoint looking down the Trincomali Channel. What to expect: depending on the tide, we may descend some steep wooden steps to the pebbly beach. Log stepping ‘stones’ may be slippery.

No preregistration is needed but donations are always welcome to help cover costs including trail maintenance.

Please note: It is safest to assume that every trail on Gabriola will have rough, slippery or difficult sections. Conditions vary between seasons; in winter large puddles, mud and slippery roots are common, and local weather conditions can make the situation worse. Choose appropriate footwear.

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