What’s been happening at GaLTT
2019 Accessibility
MARCH-APRIL During March and April we invited Gabriolans to complete our [...]
2019 Trailwork
JANUARY & FEBRUARY Violent windstorms and, later, unusually heavy snowfalls [...]
2018 Thank You!
SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER Our thanks go to Village Liquor Store [...]
2018 Streamkeepers
JUNE Gabriola Streamkeepers did stream-assessment work in Mallett Creek and near the [...]
2018 Events
MARCH On March 10, Doug White III, former (2009-14) Chief [...]
2018 Trail Licences
APRIL During April, GaLTT was delighted to sign a [...]
2018 Invasive Species
MAY BROOMBASHING GaLTT's and Lion's kick-off BBQ and Broombash [...]
2018 Trailwork
This is an archival consolidated post from the previous incarnation of [...]
Amphibian habitat
This is an archival post from the previous incarnation of our [...]
Cox Park History 2002-05
This is an archival post from the previous incarnation of our [...]
Invasives Alert!
The giant treefrogs have arrived on Gabriola. Please be on the [...]